Melrose Hotel: Cast Iron and Galvanised Steel Water Tank Lining
Renovation work was required to an original cast iron water tank located in the attic of a hotel in Melrose, which was built in the 1800s
The Client
Although we had expected a standard galvanised water tank, it was actually two tanks in one. The lower half was made from cast iron and the upper half was galvanised.
A modification had been made to increase the overall storage capacity of the tank.
- The hotel was to remain open during the renovations, with little or no disruption to its general operation.
- The tank was incredibly old and had been lined with unknown clay-like lining material.
- A tank of this configuration was quite unique.
- Most of the galvanised section was badly corroded and rusty.
- The cast-iron sections had deep craters in the clay lining.
- The cross brace support bars were heavily corroded.
- The tank had been painted with bitumen-based paint.
Before Water Tank Lining Treatment

Before applying our various coating materials, all loose matter was removed from the tank and detailed surface preparation work was completed.
We applied an anti-corrosion water tank coating treatment to the walls and floors of the tank, whilst repairing the craters on the floor with a liquid resin.
We reinforced and protected the cross braces with a combination of our tank coating resins and fibreglass bandages. Once satisfied with the preparatory work, we applied our water tank lining system to the tank, including the cross braces. After the resin had hardened, it was ready for immediate use.
After Water Tank Lining Treatment

The Results
Despite the age of the tank and its unusual modification, we were able to restore the tank to full working order.
Although we were working in a very confined attic space with low roof timbers, we were able to operate efficiently. The project was successfully completed on time and with little disruption to the rest of the hotel.