Ringden Farm
Ringden Farm near Hurst Green on the Kent / Sussex boarder are producers of the high quality
The Client
Famous Ringden Farm Apple Juices were carrying out an extensive refurbishment of their juice production facility. An essential part of the refurbishment program was the floor.
Although the floors of their apple juice production areas had been well maintained over the years by the regular application of general-purpose floor paint, the floors were difficult to clean, slippery when wet and in places the concrete has been attacked by the fruit acids, creating a potential hygiene and safety problem.
In particular, the area near and under the fruit press concrete had been severely corroded by the fruit acid attack. Unless treated this area would have continued to deteriorate.
The owners of the farm sort our advice regarding this problem.
A stronger anti-slip finish was created in key production areas and walkways where there was a risk of slipping on spilt fruit pulp.
The farm now has hygienic, low maintenance, easy to clean chemically resistant resin floor which incorporates a strong anti-slip finish that we created specifically for their high production quality standards.